Cookies Policy

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small textual databases that are sent to your computer when you visit some web site. Your browser stores data on the terminal, in goal of saving certain information, which are stored in cookies next time you visit our site from the same terminal.

Based on information that were saved and returned, appropriate website recognizes that you already accessed it and that you visited it from the browser you use in that terminal. We use this information to adjust design of website and display of contents to Your choice, and so we can provide you with the best possible user experience. In that regard, cookie is only identified in the terminal. Besides that, Your personal information is stored only after you gave your explicit consent for that action, or if it absolutely necessary so you could use offered service and access it.

2. Consent for the use of cookies

Besides those that are necessary, Contact Service doo doesn’t use any other kind of cookies.

When you actively use our website, You agree to the use of cookies if you continue to search the website after the cookie banner was shown.

3. Types of cookies

Depending on purpose and function, cookies can be divided into following categories:
(a) Necessary cookies;
(b) Functional cookies; and
(c) Performance cookies.

(a) Necessary cookies;

Necessary cookies guarantee functions without which you cannot use our web pages as they were meant to be used. These cookies are exclusively used by us and that’s why they are called “cookies of the first party”. That means that all information that are stored in cookies appear again on our website.

Necessary cookies can be used on our website even without your consent. For that reason, you cannot individually enable or disable the use of necessary cookies.

(b) Functional cookies

With the help of functional cookies, some websites keep the information that were already entered (such as registered nickname or the choice of language) and can offer improved and personalized functions thanks to aforementioned information. These cookies only collect and keep anonymous information, so they cannot be used to monitor your activity on other websites.

For the needs of constant adjustment of design and constant improvement of our webpage, we use so called Google Analytics – service for web analytics provided by Google Inc (“third party cookies”). In that aspect, pseudonymized user profiles are created, and cookies are used.

Cookies generate following information of Your use of this internet page:
- Type/version of your browser,
- Operational system you use,
- Referrer URL (previously visited webpage),
- Hostname of the computer from which you access (IP address),
- Server query time.

(c) Performance cookies

Performance cookies collect information on use of webpage in goal of improving attractiveness of the webpage, as well as its contents and functionality. This kind of cookies, for example, helps us to establish if we are visited by subpages, what subpages are those, as well as what kind of content is especially interesting to users.

We don’t use performance cookies.

Politika o kolačićima

1. Šta su kolačići?

Kolačići su male tekstualne datoteke koje se šalju Vašem računaru prilikom posete nekom internet sajtu. Vaš pretraživač skladišti podatke na terminal, kako bi sačuvao određene informacije, koje se, kada sledeći put pristupite našem sajtu sa istog terminala, čuvaju u kolačićima.

Na osnovu informacija koje su sačuvane i vraćene, odgovarajući sajt prepoznaje da ste mu već pristupili i posetili ga sa pretraživača koji koristite na tom terminalu. Mi koristimo ove informacije da bismo prilagodili dizajn sajta i prikaz sadržaja Vašem izboru i kako bismo Vam obezbedili što bolje korisničko iskustvo. U tom smislu, samo se kolačić identifikuje na terminalu. Sem toga, Vaši lični podaci se skladište tek po dobijanju vaše izričite saglasnosti ili ako je to apsolutno neophodno da biste mogli da koristite ponuđenu uslugu i pristupite joj.

2. Saglasnost za korišćenje kolačića

Contact service d.o.o. ne koristi druge kolačiće, osim neophodnih.

Kada aktivno koristite naš sajt, Vi pristajete na korišćenje kolačića ako nastavite da pretražujete sajt nakon što je prikazan baner kolačića.

3. Vrste kolačića

U zavisnosti od namene i funkcije, kolačići se mogu podeliti u sledeće kategorije:
(a) neophodni kolačići;
(b) funkcionalni kolačići; i
(c) kolačići performansi.

(a) Neophodni kolačići;

Neophodni kolačići garantuju funkcije bez kojih ne možete koristiti naše veb stranice kao što je predviđeno. Ove kolačiće isključivo koristimo mi i zato se zovu „kolačići prve strane“. To znači da se sve informacije koje se čuvaju u kolačićima ponovo pojavljuju na našem sajtu.

Neophodni kolačići se mogu koristiti na našem sajtu bez Vaše saglasnosti. Iz tog razloga, neophodne kolačiće ne možete pojedinačno omogućiti ili onemogućiti.

(b) Funkcionalni kolačići

Pomoću funkcionalnih kolačićića neki sajt čuva podatke koji su već uneti (kao što je registrovano ime ili izbor jezika) i na osnovu toga može da ponudi poboljšane i personalizovane funkcije. Ovi kolačići samo prikupljaju i čuvaju anonimne informacije, tako da ne mogu da prate vašu aktivnost na drugim sajtovima.

Za potrebe prilagođavanja dizajna i stalnog poboljšavanja naše internet stranice koristimo takozvani Google Analytics - uslugu za veb analitiku koju pruža Google Inc („kolačići treće strane). U tom kontekstu se kreiraju pseudonimizovani korisnički profili i koriste se kolačići.

Kolačići generišu sledeće informacije o Vašem korišćenju ove internet stranice:
- tip/verzija pretraživača,
- operativni sistem koji se koristi,
- referrer URL (prethodno posećena stranica),
- hostname računara sa kog se pristupa (IP adresa)
- vreme upita servera

(c) Kolačići performansi

Kolačići performansi prikupljaju informacije o tome kako se koriste veb-stranice u cilju poboljšanja njihove atraktivnosti, sadržaja i funkcionalnosti. Takvi kolačići nam, na primer, pomažu da utvrdimo da li se posećuju podstranice sajta, i koje, kao i kakav sadržaj je posebno zanimljiv korisnicima.

Mi ne koristimo kolačiće performansi.

We use cookies to improve your online experience. By continuing to use our website, you agree with our Cookies policy.